Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is a general term for the use of telecommunication to provide or enhance learning. Learning made available at a distance, adopting the traditional expression of distance learning into new technological situations around the world. Academic community is discovering and exploring the internet and related means to achieve an extended classroom for an appropriate learning experience.
Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is a general term for the use of telecommunication to provide or enhance learning. Learning made available at a distance, adopting the traditional expression of distance learning into new technological situations around the world. Academic community is discovering and exploring the internet and related means to achieve an extended classroom for an appropriate learning experience.
LUC is located at 2 different locations, i.e. (i) Wisma Lincoln, No. 12-18, Jalan SS 6/12, Kelana Jaya and (ii) No. 2 Jalan Stadium, SS7/15, Kelana Jaya.
LUC is in process of establishing learning centers in certain states .
You will receive study materials from LUC or learning center (LC) where you have registered, or you may go through the materials online, in the LODL. Thereafter you will proceed to study at your own time, pace and place.
While studying for the LUC ODL program, we will help you build job-ready skills for your future career, with strong linked to industry. We will help you to focus on the required skills, that employers are looking for and to give you an edge in the competitive job market. It is clear and simple that opportunities are many and varied but more importantly, your path is chosen by YOU.
The Bachelor of Pharmacy program of Lincoln University College allows the students with the opportunity to acquire informative knowledge about the different aspects of design, development, discovery, testing as well as the helpful use of medicines and drugs. It also focuses on the aspect of distribution of drugs as well. Thus this program is aptly suited for individuals, who are willing to work in the health care sector as health care providers or as providers of pharmaceutical care.
Benefits of LUC Bachelor of Pharmacy programme :
Key factors behind the programme:
Minimum Duration : 48 Months.
Maximum Duration : 48 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | LBPH1113 | Anatomy & Physiology I | 3 |
2 | LBPH1122 | Dosage Form Design I | 2 |
3 | LBPH1142 | Scientific Basis of Therapeutics I - Introduction | 2 |
4 | LBPH1133 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | 3 |
5 | LBPH1152 | Pharmacoinformatics | 2 |
6 | MPU3113 | U1-TITAS (in BM) | 3 |
7 | MPU3123 | U1-Ethnic Relation | 3 |
8 | LBPH1213 | Anatomy & Physiology II | 3 |
9 | LBPH1222 | Scientific Basis of Therapeutics II - Peripheral Nervous System & Dermatology | 2 |
10 | LBPH1233 | Dosage Form Design II - Solid | 3 |
11 | LBPH1243 | Pharmaceutical Analysis I | 3 |
12 | LBPH1253 | Pharmacy Practice I | 3 |
13 | LBPH1262 | Elective: Veterinary Pharmacy | 2 |
14 | LBPH1272 | Elective: Financial Management | 2 |
15 | MPU3232 | U2-Leadership Skills and Human Relation | 2 |
16 | LBPH2372 | Medicinal Chemistry I | 2 |
17 | MPU3342 | Malaysian Government and Public Policy | 2 |
18 | LBPH2313 | Pharmaceutical Microbiology | 3 |
19 | LBPH2323 | Pharmaceutical Analysis II | 3 |
20 | LBPH2332 | Biochemistry | 2 |
21 | LBPH2342 | Scientific Basis of Therapeutics III - Central Nervous System & Therapy | 2 |
22 | LBPH2353 | Dosage Form Design III - Liquid & Semi-Solid | 3 |
23 | LBPH2362 | Pharmacy Practice II | 2 |
24 | LBPH2412 | Dosage Form Design IV | 2 |
25 | LBPH2422 | Scientific Basis of Therapeutics IV - Endocrine, Gastrointestinal System & Therapy | 2 |
26 | LBPH2432 | Medicinal Chemistry II | 2 |
27 | LBPH2443 | Pharmacognosy | 3 |
28 | LBPH2453 | Pharmaceutical Immunology | 3 |
29 | LBPH2462 | Pharmaceutical Biotechnology& Pharmacogenomics | 3 |
30 | LBPH2473 | Pharmacy Practice III | 3 |
31 | MPU3452 | U4 Community Service | 2 |
32 | LBPH3513 | Biostatistics & Epidemiology | 3 |
33 | LBPH3522 | Scientific Basis of Therapeutics V –Respiratory, Haematological & Inflammatory Disorders & Therapy | 2 |
34 | LBPH3532 | Dosage Form Design V – Novel Drug Delivery System | 2 |
35 | LBPH3543 | Clinical Pharmacy I | 3 |
36 | LBPH3552 | Pharmacotoxicology | 2 |
37 | LBPH3562 | Pharmacy Practice IV | 2 |
38 | LBPH3572 | Pharmacy Ethics & Legislations | 2 |
39 | LBPH3582 | Elective: Drugs & Substances of Abuse | 2 |
40 | LBPH3592 | Elective: Management Principles | 2 |
41 | LBPH3623 | Clinical Pharmacy III | 3 |
42 | LBPH3633 | Scientific Basis of Therapeutics VI - Antimicrobials & Antineoplastics | 3 |
43 | LBPH3613 | Clinical Pharmacy II - Pharmacokinetics | 3 |
44 | LBPH3643 | Extemporaneous Preparations | 3 |
45 | LBPH3653 | Community Pharmacy | 3 |
46 | LBPH3662 | Elective: Complementary Medicine | 2 |
47 | LBPH3672 | Elective: Pharmaceutical Marketing & Entrepreneurship | 2 |
48 | LBPH4712 | Research Methodology | 2 |
49 | LBPH4723 | Clinical Pharmacy IV | 3 |
50 | LBPH4732 | Scientific Basis of Therapeutics VII –Cardiovascular, Renal System & Therapy | 2 |
51 | LBPH4742 | Pharmacoeconomics | 2 |
52 | LBPH4752 | Industrial Pharmacy & Quality Assurance | 3 |
53 | LBPH4762 | Evidence-based Pharmacotherapy | 2 |
54 | LBPH4772 | Public Health Pharmacy | 2 |
55 | LBPH4822 | Pharmacy Management | 2 |
56 | LBPH4833 | Entrepreneurship | 3 |
57 | LBPH4842 | Industrial Pharmacy & Regulatory Control | 2 |
58 | LBPH4853 | Clinical Pharmacy V | 3 |
59 | LBPH4815 | Research Project | 5 |
The profession of pharmacy plays a vital role in serving the health needs of the society. Pharmacists and pharmacist assistants are the most accessible members of the health care team for the public and are authorities on drugs and their use. They impart scientific knowledge related to the identification, formulation, preparation, standardization, quality control and use of drugs as well as medicines and effective management of their distribution and sale.
Minimum Duration : 36 Months.
Maximum Duration : 36 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | MPU2113 | MALAYSIAN STUDIES 2 | 3 |
Ph.D. in Pharmacy, offered by Lincoln University College, provides the students a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of pharmacy so that they are able to learn about the use as well as the mechanism of the varied types of drugs. Students are also taught about the new and advanced methods necessary for the formulation of design and diagnosis of investigations that are conducted. The aspect of diagnosis of investigations related to pharmacy enhances the critical thinking ability of the students so that they are able to contribute significantly to the field of pharmacy in the future.
For successful completion of PhD degree in LUC, each candidate should publish minimum of Four research articles in scopus indexed journals, with Lincoln affiliation.
Minimum Duration : 36 Months.
Maximum Duration : 48 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | PHD 811 | Research Methodology | 3 |
2 | PHD 812 | Computer Application | 3 |
3 | PHDP 821 | PhD in Pharmacy Research Work | 0.0000 |
Master of Pharmacy (By Research), offered by Lincoln University College, provides the students a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of pharmacy, so that they are able to learn about the use as well as the mechanism of the varied types of drugs. Students are also taught about the new and advanced methods necessary for the formulation of design and interpreting of investigations that are conducted. The aspect of interpreting of investigations related to pharmacy enhances the critical thinking ability of the students, so that they are able to contribute significantly to the field of pharmacy in the future.
For successful completion of Masters degree in LUC, each candidate should publish minimum of Two research articles in scopus indexed journals, with Lincoln affiliation.
Minimum Duration : 24 Months.
Maximum Duration : 60 Months.
The programme, Diploma in Biotechnology,provides a basic concept of biological molecules along with its application incellular and bio molecular processes to solve systemic problems or make medicinalproducts. It is a combination of biology and technology that uses cells andmolecules to find solutions for human and environmental problems. The courseteaches a wide range of skills that are invaluable for careers inlaboratory settings where they might help other workers in a variety ofdisciplines, such as pharmaceutical, medical research, governmental and legalissues. The programme is designed as a transformative program that offersstudents the education, training, and first-hand experience essential forsuccessful careers. It is a study of foundational knowledge, skill, andcompetence in relevance to various aspects of Biotechnology.However, by virtueof creativity, innovative thinking and research capabilities students findthemselves in conducive future workplace with the increasing demands ofbiotechnological industries.
Minimum Duration : 30 Months.
Maximum Duration : 30 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | DBT 1113 | Animal Biology of Organisms | 3 |
2 | BTC 1113 | Cell and Molecular biology | 3 |
3 | DBT 1133 | Mathematics | 3 |
4 | BTC 1123 | Biochemistry | 3 |
5 | BTC 1223 | Biophysics | 3 |
6 | BTC 1163 | English in Science and Technology | 3 |
7 | DBT 1213 | Principles of DNA Technology | 3 |
8 | DBT 1223 | Bioethics & Biosafety | 3 |
9 | BMC 1233 | Basic Microbiology | 3 |
10 | BTC 1213 | Chemistry | 3 |
11 | BTC 1133 | Organic Mechanisms in Biology | 3 |
12 | MPU 2113 | Malaysian Studies | 3 |
13 | MPU 2153 | Malay Language Communication 2 | 3 |
14 | DBT 1313 | Intellectual Property Rights | 3 |
15 | BTC 1233 | Genetics | 3 |
16 | MPU 2222 | Creative Problem Solving | 2 |
17 | BMC533 | Professional Skill for Biotechnology | 3 |
18 | BTC 1313 | Introduction to Computer | 3 |
19 | BMC 313 | Basic Immunology | 3 |
20 | MPU 3442 | Co-Curriculum | 2 |
21 | MPU 2332 | Constitution and Community | 2 |
22 | DBT 2463 | Human Anatomy and Physiology | 3 |
23 | DBT 2513 | Fermentation and Enzymes Technology | 3 |
24 | DBT 2523 | Bioprocess Engineering | 3 |
25 | BTC 1333 | Instrumentation in Biotechnology | 3 |
26 | DBT 2543 | Marine & Aquaculture Biotechnology | 3 |
27 | DBT 2553 | Pharmaceutical Biotechnology | 3 |
28 | DBT 2563 | Food Biotechnology | 3 |
29 | DBT 2573 | Nutraceutical and Functional Food | 3 |
30 | DBT 2583 | Plant Tissue Culture | 3 |
31 | DBT 2593 | Industrial Biotechnology and Protein Engineering | 3 |
32 | DBT 2613 | Plant and Animal Breeding | 3 |
33 | DBT 2623 | Animal Cell and Tissue Culture Technology | 3 |
34 | BTC 3273 | Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology | 3 |
35 | DBT 3716 | Industrial Training | 6 |
Physical therapy or physiotherapy is a branch of rehabilitative medicine aimed at helping patients maintain, recover or improve their physical abilities. Physical therapists or physiotherapists work with patients whose movements may be undermined by aging, disease, environmental factors, or sporting hazards. Physical therapy also means the treatment of any pain, disease, or injury by physical means. The profession concerned with promotion of health, with prevention of physical disabilities, with evaluation and rehabilitation of persons disabled by pain, disease, or injury, and with treatment by physical therapeutic measures as opposed to medical, surgical, or radiologic measures.
A physical therapist seeks to identify and maximize quality of life and movement potential through prevention, intervention (treatment), promotion, habilitation, and rehabilitation. Habilitation means making somebody fit or capable of doing something. Rehabilitation means making somebody fit or capable of doing something they can no longer do properly or at all, but used to be able to - i.e. restoring ability or abilities. Promotion means the process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health. Physical therapy is not alternative therapy. It is a clinical health science. Physical therapists study medical science subjects, including anatomy, neuroscience and physiology in order to acquire the health education needed for prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, etc., of patients with physical problems. A qualified physical therapist is an expert in the examination and treatment of people with cardiothoracic, musculoskeletal and neuromuscular diseases; focusing on conditions and problems that undermine patients' abilities to move and function effectively. This encompasses physical, psychological, emotional, and social well being. Physical therapy involves the interaction between physical therapist, patients/clients, other health professionals, families, care givers, and communities in a process where movement potential is assessed and diagnosed, goals are agreed upon, using knowledge and skills unique to physical therapists.
Minimum Duration : 48 Months.
Maximum Duration : 48 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
4 | MPU3173 | MALAYSIAN STUDIES 3 | 3 |
5 | BSPT 1112 | HUMAN ANATOMY I | 2 |
6 | BSPT 1122 | HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY I | 2 |
7 | BSPT 1133 | EXERCISE THERAPY I | 3 |
8 | BSPT 1142 | PSYCHOLOGY | 2 |
9 | ENG613 | English I | 1 |
10 | BSPT 1153 | Professional development and practice | 3 |
12 | BSPT 1212 | HUMAN ANATOMY II | 2 |
13 | BSPT 1222 | HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY II | 2 |
16 | BSPT 1252/BSPT 1262 | FIRST – AID & EMERGENCY PROCEDURES/Sport massage | 2 |
17 | BSPT 1273 | KINESIOLOGY | 3 |
18 | BSPT 1283 | EXERCISE THERAPY II | 3 |
20 | BSPT 2342/BSPT 2352 | COMMUNITY MEDICINE/Occupational Safety and Health | 2 |
21 | BSPT 2312 | ELECTROTHERAPY I | 2 |
22 | BSPT 2322 | PATHOLOGY | 2 |
23 | BSPT2332 | PHARMACOLOGY | 2 |
25 | BSPT 2375 | CLINICAL POSTING I | 5 |
26 | MPU 3452 | COMMUNITY SERVICE | 2 |
27 | BSPT 2494 | CLINICAL POSTING II | 4 |
28 | BSPT 2432 | ELECTROTHERAPY II | 2 |
31 | BSPT2452 | Clinical Neurology | 2 |
32 | BSPT 2412 | GENERAL MEDICINE | 2 |
33 | BSPT2422 | GENERAL SURGERY | 2 |
34 | BSPT2472 | BIOSTATISTICS | 2 |
35 | ENG623 | English II | 1 |
41 | BSPT 3612 | Physiotherapy in obstetrics & gynecology | 2 |
45 | BSPT 3622 | Physiotherapy in pediatrics | 2 |
46 | BSPT 3673 | Project I | 3 |
47 | BSPT 3684 | Industrial Training | 4 |
49 | BSPT 4743 | PROJECT 2 | 3 |
51 | BSPT 4757 | CLINICAL POSTING V | 7 |
52 | BSPT 4733 | Physiotherapy in acute care | 3 |
53 | BSPT 4823 | Research Writing | 3 |
54 | BSPT4837 | Clinical Posting VI | 7 |
The Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (Honours) program of Lincoln University College allows the students with the opportunity to focus on the human body at the molecular, cellular and whole body levels. They will also acquire knowledge about the disciplines of biochemistry and cell biology, physiology, developmental biology, microbiology, pharmacology and neuroscience as well as advanced study in research. This course can be a gateway to working in many fields: education, research, sales, medical practice, hospital and institutional work. Biomedical sciences are the foundation of knowledge for all health care professionals.
Minimum Duration : 48 Months.
Maximum Duration : 72 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | BMC1113 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 3 |
3 | BMC1133 | Psychology & Behavioural Sciences | 3 |
4 | BMC1143 | Laboratory Science & Instrumentation | 3 |
5 | MPU 3113 | Islamic Civilization and Asian Civilization (TITAS) | 3 |
6 | MPU 3163 | Malay Language Communication 3 | 3 |
7 | ENG613 | English I | 3 |
8 | BMC1213 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 3 |
9 | BMC1223 | Human Biochemistry | 3 |
10 | BMC1233 | Epidemiology | 3 |
11 | BMC1243 | Basic Health Informatics | 3 |
12 | MPU 3123 | Ethnic Relations | 3 |
13 | MPU 3173 | Malaysian Studies 3 | 3 |
14 | MPU 3232 | Leadership Skills and Human Relations | 2 |
15 | BMC2313 | Basic Immunology | 3 |
16 | BMC2323 | Molecular Biology Techniques | 3 |
17 | BMC2333 | Basic Microbiology | 3 |
18 | BMC2343 | Basic Hematology | 3 |
19 | BMC2353 | Health and the Community | 3 |
20 | BMC2363 | Human Genetics | 3 |
22 | BMC2413 | Advanced Immunology | 3 |
23 | BMC2423 | Biostatistics | 3 |
24 | BMC2433 | Basic Cytology | 3 |
25 | BMC2443 | Basic Pathology | 3 |
26 | BMC2453 | Advanced Microbiology | 3 |
27 | BMC2463 | Personal & Professional Development | 3 |
28 | MPU 3452 | Community Service | 2 |
29 | BMC3513 | Research Methodology | 3 |
30 | BMC3523 | Advanced Pathology & Cytology | 3 |
31 | BMC3533 | Transfusion Science & Blood Banking | 3 |
32 | BMC3543 | Health Economics | 3 |
33 | BMC3553 | Principles of Lab. Animal Sciences | 3 |
34 | BMC3563 | Clinical Biochemistry | 3 |
35 | BMC3613 | Medical Microbiology | 3 |
36 | BMC3623 | Medical Entomology & Parasitology | 3 |
37 | BMC3648 | Biomedical Practicum | 8 |
38 | BMC3713 | Principles of Health Management | 3 |
39 | BMC3723 | Toxicology | 3 |
40 | BMC3734 | Research Project | 4 |
41 | BMCE3713 | Entomology | 3 |
42 | BMCE3723 | Basic Chemistry | 3 |
43 | BMCE3733 | Communication & Self Development | 3 |
44 | BMCE3743 | Public Health | 3 |
45 | BMCE3753 | Advanced Pharmacology | 3 |
46 | BMC4813 | Advanced Health Informatics | 3 |
47 | BMC4823 | Laboratory Management | 3 |
48 | BMC4833 | Special Topics in Biomedical Sciences | 3 |
49 | BMC3843 | Advanced Hematology | 3 |
50 | BMC4844 | Research Project | 4 |
Bachelor of homeopathy program provides an opportunity to learn about health and wellness, along with different theories and practices used in alternative health care. The purpose of this program is to encourage students to make unceasing and diligent efforts to pursue holistic self-development to cultivate self-discipline and integrity, to nurture creativity into broad-minded future leaders with a mind to serve mankind. These competency elements are in line with the need of the students future workplace and critical for successful careers development in various Homeopathic institutes and hospitals. A homeopathic practitioner may look the career as a medical representative or as a doctor in private or government hospital. The professionals in this field can work in companies those deals with the homeopathic preparations.
Minimum Duration : 48 Months.
Maximum Duration : 96 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | BHMS 1013 | Human Anatomy I | 3 |
2 | BHMS 1023 | Introduction to Organon of Homeopathic Medicine | 3 |
3 | BHMS 1033 | Physiology and Biochemistry I | 3 |
4 | BHMS 1042 | Introduction to Homeopathic Materia Medica | 2 |
5 | BHMS 1052 | Microbiology and Hygiene | 2 |
6 | MPU 3113/3163 | Tamadun Islam danTamadun Asia (TITAS) / Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 3 | 3 |
7 | BHMS 1073 | Case Management and Homeotherapeutics I | 2 |
8 | MPU 3232 | Kemahiran KepimpinandanHubunganInsan (Leadership Skills and Human Relations) | 2 |
9 | MPU 3123/3173 | Hubungan Etnik/ Malaysian Studies 3 | 3 |
10 | BHMS 2114 | Case Management and Homeotherapeutics II | 4 |
11 | BHMS 2124 | Homeopathic Pharmacy | 4 |
12 | BHMS 2133 | Physiology and Biochemistry II | 3 |
13 | BHMS 2083 | Homeopathic Materia Medica I | 3 |
14 | BHMS 3143 | Human Anatomy II | 3 |
15 | BHMS 3152 | Pathology | 2 |
16 | BHMS 3162 | First Aid and Emergency Condition | 2 |
17 | BHMS 3174 | Case Management and Homeotherapeutics III | 4 |
18 | BHMS 3183 | Homeopathic Materia Medica II | 3 |
19 | MPU 3342 | Kerajaan dan DasarAwam Malaysia | 2 |
20 | BHMS 3202 | Psychology | 2 |
21 | BHMS 4213 | Introduction to Comparative Therapeutics | 3 |
22 | BHMS 4224 | Case Management and Homeotherapeutics IV | 4 |
23 | BHMS 4234 | Organon of Homeopathic Medicine I | 4 |
24 | BHMS 4244 | Homeopathic Materia Medica III | 4 |
25 | MPU 3452 | Khidmat Masyarakat | 2 |
26 | BHMS 5264 | Homeopathic Materia Medica IV | 4 |
27 | BHMS 5272 | Cell Biology and Response to Injury | 2 |
28 | BHMS 5283 | Practice of Medicine | 3 |
29 | BHMS 5293 | Histology and Embryology | 3 |
30 | BHMS 5304 | Comparative Materia Medica | 4 |
31 | BHMS 5313 | Computer | 3 |
32 | BHMS 5321 | Critical thinking | 1 |
33 | BHMS 6364 | Case Management and Homeotherapeutics V | 4 |
34 | BHMS 6374 | Repertorisation of Disease | 4 |
35 | BHMS 6332 | Business Study and Law | 2 |
36 | BHMS 6344 | Organon of Homeopathic Medicine II | 4 |
37 | BHMS 6354 | Study of Diseases and Patient | 4 |
38 | BHMS 7384 | Homeopathic Materia Medica V | 4 |
39 | BHMS 7394 | Organon of Homeopathic Medicine III | 4 |
40 | BHMS 7402 | Medical and Professional Ethics | 2 |
41 | BHMS 7412 | Management and Entrepreneurship | 2 |
42 | MGT 1312 | Research Methodology | 2 |
43 | BHMS 7433 | Project | 3 |
44 | BHMS 4814 | Practical training | 14 |
Medical Assistants are healthcare professionals, who contribute to the health care sector by offering health care services. Medical Assistants provide medical services in hospitals [various departments,such as Emergency Department,Orthopedic Department,Ophthalmology Department (EYE)] and specialist clinics. In the public health sector, Medical Assistants, actively participate and contribute towards the implementation of diverse health programs. Medical assistants also provide Emergency Medical Care (pre-hospital care) services.
Minimum Duration : 36 Months.
Maximum Duration : 36 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | LMAP 1114 | Anatomy and Physiology I | 4 |
2 | LMAP 1113 | Anatomy and Physiology 2 | 3 |
3 | LMBC 1112 | Bioscience | 2 |
4 | LMMB 1112 | Microbiology and Parasitology | 2 |
6 | LMNS 1113 | Nursing Science 1 | 3 |
7 | LMCH 1113 | Community Health 1 | 3 |
8 | ENG413 | English I | 3 |
12 | LMAP 1114 | ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY 1 | 4 |
14 | LMNS 1213 | NURSING SCIENCE 2 | 3 |
15 | LMCH 1213 | Community Health 2 | 3 |
16 | LMMD 1214 | Medical Science 1 | 4 |
17 | COMP 1025 (2) | Computer in Healthcare | 2 |
18 | LMGS 1213 | Surgical Science I | 3 |
19 | LMSM 1212 | Social Preventive Medicine | 2 |
20 | LMEM 1213 | Emergency Medicine 1 | 3 |
22 | MPU2442 | COMMUNITY SERVICE | 2 |
23 | LMCH 2114 | Community Health III | 4 |
24 | LMMD 2114 | Medical Science II | 4 |
25 | LMGS 2112 | Surgical Science II | 2 |
26 | LMOG 2111 | Obstetrics and Gynecology | 1 |
27 | LMOR 2112 | Orthopedic | 2 |
28 | LMEM 2113 | Emergency Medicine 2 | 3 |
29 | LMCP 2113 | Clinical Pharmaclogy 2 | 3 |
30 | LMNS 2113 | Nursing Science III | 3 |
33 | LMMD 2212 | MEDICAL (CLINICAL) | 2 |
34 | LMGS 2212 | SURGICAL (CLINICAL) | 2 |
35 | LMPY 2212 | PSYCHIATRY (CLINICAL) | 2 |
41 | LMGS 3111 | ENT, EYE CLINIC (CLINICAL) | 1 |
42 | LMOR 3212 | LABOUR ROOM (CLINICAL) | 2 |
45 | LMMD 3212 | MEDICAL SCIENCE 4 | 2 |
46 | LMGS 3212 | SURGICAL SCIENCE 5 | 2 |
The Programme is providing professionally qualified graduates capable to apply their knowledge and skills with the current trends in the field of Physiotherapy. The programme takes interdisciplinary advances and encourages students to display the ethical, professional and social responsibility. The development of scientific methods and problem solving skills will be promoted and imparted in practical sessions and independent learning through the following professional modules like Biomechanics, Kinesiology, Electrotherapy Modalities, Exercise Therapy, Women Health, Paediatrics, General Surgery, First Aid and Emergency Procedures, Application of Prosthetics and Orthotics, Physiotherapy in Musculoskeletal conditions, Physiotherapy in cardio respiratory conditions, Physiotherapy in neurological conditions and clinical placements.
Minimum Duration : 36 Months.
Maximum Duration : 36 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | DPT 1113 | Human Anatomy I | 3 |
2 | DPT 1122 | Human Physiology I | 2 |
3 | DPT 1133 | Human Psychology | 3 |
4 | DPT 1143 | Principles of Exercise therapy | 3 |
5 | ENG 413 | English | 2 |
6 | MPU 2113/ MPU 2153 | Malaysian studies 2 / Malay Language communication 2 | 3 |
7 | DPT 1152 | Foundation in Physiotherapy Practice | 2 |
8 | DPT 1212 | Human Anatomy II | 2 |
9 | DPT 1222 | Human Physiology II | 2 |
10 | DPT 1233 | Biomechanics | 3 |
11 | DPT 1242 | Kinesiology | 2 |
12 | DPT 1253 | Applied Exercise Therapy | 3 |
13 | DPT 1263 | Electrotherapy modality – I | 3 |
14 | MPU 2222 | Creative Problem Solving | 2 |
15 | DPT 2323 | Physiotherapy in Neurological Conditions I | 3 |
16 | DPT 2333 | Physiotherapy in Cardio Respiratory Conditions I | 3 |
17 | DPT 2343 | Human Pathology | 2 |
18 | DPT 2352 | Electrotherapy modality – II | 2 |
19 | DPT 2313 | Physiotherapy in Musculoskeletal Conditions I | 3 |
20 | MPU 2332 | Constitution and Society | 2 |
21 | DPT 2374 | Clinical Placement I (MS/Neuro/Cardio respiratory) | 4 |
22 | DPT 2465 | Clinical Placement II (MS / Neuro /Cardio respiratory) | 5 |
23 | DPT 2413 | Physiotherapy in Musculoskeletal Conditions II | 3 |
24 | DPT 2423 | Physiotherapy in Neurological Conditions II | 3 |
25 | DPT 2433 | Physiotherapy in Cardio Respiratory Conditions II | 3 |
26 | DPT 2442 | Computer in Health Care | 2 |
27 | MPU 2442 | Co - Curriculum | 2 |
28 | DPT 3512 | Physiotherapy in Women’s Health | 2 |
29 | DPT 3522 | Physiotherapy in Pediatric Conditions | 2 |
30 | DPT 3532 | Physiotherapy in Geriatric Conditions | 2 |
31 | DPT 3543 | Physiotherapy in General Surgical Conditions | 3 |
32 | DPT 3553 / DPT 3563 | First – Aid & Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation / Application Of Prosthetics And Orthotics In Physiotherapy | 3 |
33 | DPT 3575 | Clinical Placement III (Women’s health, Paediatric, Geriatric & general Surgery) | 5 |
34 | DPT 3615 | Clinical Placement IV (MS / Neuro / Cardio respiratory / Women’s health / Pediatrics / Geriatric/ General surgery) | 15 |
This programme is the fusion of science and technology that caters to the best possible outcome for the human society and mankind. Biotechnology offers a wide perspective ranging from production of valuable substances, waste management, and drug designing through advanced gene therapy. Moreover, the programme provides knowledge ofmedicine by engaging modern molecular biology, microbiology, implementation of instrumentation and data analysis. Overall, this course develops bothprofessional and technical skills among students through practical andtheoretical knowledge considering legal as well as ethical aspects.
Minimum Duration : 36 Months.
Maximum Duration : 60 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | BTC 1113 | Cell biology | 3 |
2 | BTC 1123 | Biochemistry | 3 |
3 | BTC 1133 | Organic Mechanisms in Biology | 3 |
4 | BMC 233 | Basic Microbiology | 3 |
5 | ENG613 | English I | 3 |
6 | MPU3113 | Islamic and Asian civilizations | 3 |
7 | MPU3173 | Malaysian studies 3 | 3 |
8 | BTC 1213 | Chemistry | 3 |
9 | BTC 1223 | Biophysics | 3 |
10 | BMC 223 | Molecular Biology | 3 |
11 | BTC 1233 | Genetics | 3 |
12 | MPU3123 | Ethnic relationships | 3 |
13 | MPU3163 | Malay language communication 3 | 3 |
14 | MPU3232 | Leadership Skills and Human Relations | 2 |
15 | BTC 1313 | Introduction to Computer | 3 |
16 | BTC 1323 | Bio-informatics | 3 |
17 | BTC 1333 | Instrumentation | 3 |
18 | MPU3342 | Malaysian Government and public policies | 2 |
19 | BTC 2113 | Recombinant DNA Technology | 3 |
20 | BMC 223 | Biosafety, Bioregulation & Bioethics in Biotechnology | 3 |
21 | BMC 433 | Human Genetics | 3 |
22 | BMC 463 | Basic Cytology | 3 |
23 | BTC 2153 | Biostatistics | 3 |
24 | MPU3452 | Community service | 2 |
25 | BTC 2213 | Plant Cell and Tissue Culture Techniques | 3 |
26 | BTC 2223 | Biotechnology – Social, Legal & Ethical issues | 3 |
27 | BTC 2233 | Biodiversity & Taxonomy | 3 |
28 | BMC 523 | Advanced Microbiology | 3 |
29 | BMC 313 | Basic Immunology | 3 |
30 | BTC 2316 | Internships or Industrial Training | 6 |
31 | BTC 3113 | Fermentation Technology | 3 |
32 | BTC 3123 | Developmental Biology | 3 |
33 | BMC 753 | Toxicology | 3 |
34 | BTC 3133 | Medical Biotechnology | 3 |
35 | BMC 312 | Research Methodology | 3 |
36 | BTC 3223 | Environmental Biotechnology | 3 |
37 | BTC 3233 | Plant Biotechnology | 3 |
38 | BTC 3243 | Animal Biotechnology | 3 |
39 | BTC 3253 | Food Processing Technology | 3 |
40 | BTC 3273 | Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology | 3 |
41 | BTC 3213 | Industrial Biotechnology | 3 |
42 | BTC 3283 | Marketing Management | 3 |
43 | BMC 823 | Laboratory Management | 3 |
44 | BMC 533 | Professional Skill for Biotechnology | 3 |
45 | BTC 3318 | Research Project | 9 |
The program, Diploma in Hotel & Catering prepares the students for a rewarding career in the hotel industry. It comprises sound theory and craft based learning (practical classes) with professional internships within the industry. It aims at providing students with the appropriate operational skills for rooms division, reception services, food and beverage service management as well as food production and also focuses on the development of a professional attitude for a career in the hotel industry. After completion of the Hotel Management Diploma, students can either continue their studies to complete the bachelor degree or they can start their professional career at this stage.
Minimum Duration : 30 Months.
Maximum Duration : 30 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | HOSP111 | Introduction to Hospitality Industry | 3 |
2 | HOSP 253 | Housekeeping Management | 4 |
3 | ENGL 100 | Hospitality English I | 3 |
4 | MPU 2113 | Malaysian Studies 2 | 3 |
5 | MPU 2153 | Malay Language Communication 2 | 3 |
6 | COMP107 | Fundamental of Computer Principles & Programming | 3 |
7 | HOSP 152 | Front Office Management | 4 |
8 | HOSP 243 | Food & Beverages Service Skills | 4 |
9 | CULN 242 | Food & Beverage Hygiene | 3 |
10 | HOSP 282 | Event Management | 3 |
11 | MPU2222 | Creative Problem Solving | 2 |
12 | HOSP 226 | Restaurant Operations | 4 |
13 | HOSP 264 | Human Resource Management in Hotel & Catering | 3 |
14 | HOSP 162 | Principles of Hotel & Catering Law | 3 |
15 | MPU 2332 | Constitution and Community | 2 |
16 | CULN 244 | Kitchen Management | 3 |
17 | HOSP 232 | Beverage Studies | 3 |
18 | ENGL 101 | Hospitality English 2 | 3 |
19 | COMM 119 | Public Relation | 3 |
20 | MPU 2442 | Co-Curriculum | 2 |
21 | HOSP 260 | Marketing Hotel & Catering Service | 3 |
22 | FRN 101 | Hotel French 1 | 3 |
23 | CULN 292 | Science & Health of Culinary study | 3 |
24 | MNGT 115 | Business Management | 3 |
25 | ACCM 131 | Accounting for Hospitality | 3 |
26 | HOSP 273 | Industrial Training | 4 |
27 | ENT 1007 | Entrepreneurship | 3 |
28 | HOSP 293 | Hotel Maintenance | 3 |
29 | FRN 102 | Hotel French 2 | 3 |
30 | CULN 241 | Food Production (Practical) | 4 |
The Diploma in Culinary Arts is a well-balanced programme designed to impart knowledge in the hospitality particularly in culinary area. This programme provides students with practical education in food production while developing professionalism and excellence required in different types of kitchens. Student can gain practical experience in the kitchen with other related discipline like business of cost control, sanitation and safety, menu and beverage management, nutrition, and kitchen management. Student will learn to produce food quickly and in quantity while working with others. The programme combines the precise training in international relations theory and practice with the analytical and quantitative tools of policy making. This is designed as a trans formative program, which offers students the education, training, and first-hand experience essential for successful international careers.
Minimum Duration : 33 Months.
Maximum Duration : 45 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | DCA 1113 | Hospitality English | 3 |
2 | DCA 1123 | Fundamentals of Culinary | 3 |
3 | DCA 1133 | Food Theory | 3 |
4 | DCA 1143 | Fundamentals Of Computers | 3 |
5 | MPU 2113 / MPU 2153 | Malaysian Studies / Malay Language Communication 2 | 3 |
6 | DCA 1213 | Introduction To Pastry And Bakery | 3 |
7 | DCA 1223 | Food & Beverages Service Skills | 3 |
8 | DCA 1233 | Food Hygiene and Sanitation | 3 |
9 | DCA 1313 | Essential Cuisine Techniques | 2 |
10 | MPU 2222 | Creative Problem Solving | 2 |
11 | DCA 1333 | Patisserie and Bread Confections | 3 |
12 | DCA 2413 | Human Resource Management In Hotel and Catering | 3 |
13 | DCA 2423 | Larder Production | 3 |
14 | DCA 2433 | Garde Manger-I | 3 |
15 | DCA 2443 | Kitchen Management | 3 |
16 | MPU 2332 | Constitution and Community | 2 |
17 | DCA 2514 | Asian Cuisine | 4 |
18 | DCA 2524 | French Cuisine | 4 |
19 | DCA 2533 | Hospitality Marketing | 3 |
20 | DCA 2543 | French Language 1 | 3 |
21 | MPU 3442 | Co-Curriculum | 2 |
22 | DCA 2613 | Food Nutrition | 3 |
23 | DCA 2623 | Grade Manger-2 | 3 |
24 | DCA 3713 | Accounting for Hospitality | 3 |
25 | DCA 3723 | Entrepreneurship | 3 |
26 | DCA 3733 | Food and Beverage Cost Control | 3 |
27 | DCA 3743 | French Hotel 2 | 3 |
28 | DCA 3753 | Fundamental of Purchasing | 3 |
29 | DCA 3818 | Industrial Training | 8 |
The Bachelor in Tourism Management programme under the Faculty of Hospitality is designed to give students’ academic and technical skills in broad areas. It combines the precise training in international relations theory and practice with the analytical and quantitative tools of policy making. The programme teaches students a wide range of educational field, the tourism industry in strategic planning and management,event management, tourism marketing, culture and heritage tourism and in other fields including human resources and marketing. The programme is designed as a transformative program, which offers students the education, training, and first-hand experience essential for successful international careers. This enables the programme to meet its broader objectives to touch every aspect of global tourism industry. There are many organizations and industries that are direct contributors of the industry and hence in the long run create better job opportunities to those who would want to be a part of the industry.
Minimum Duration : 36 Months.
Maximum Duration : 72 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | BTM 1113 | Business English | 3 |
2 | BTM 1123 | Principles of Tourism Management | 3 |
3 | BTM 1133 | Introduction to Cost & Management Accounting | 3 |
4 | BTM 1143 | Introduction to Tourism Industry | 3 |
5 | MPU 3113 / MPU 3163 | Islamic Civilization and Asian Civilization(TITAS) / Malay Communication | 3 |
6 | BTM 1213 | Business Communication | 3 |
7 | BTM 1223 | Emerging Trends in Tourism | 3 |
8 | BTM 1233 | Fundamentals of Computer Applications | 3 |
9 | BTM 1243 | Human Resource Management | 3 |
10 | MPU 3123/ MPU 3173 | Ethnic Relations / Malaysian Studies | 3 |
11 | BTM 1313 | Tourism Information System | 3 |
12 | BTM 1323 | Geography of Tourism | 3 |
13 | BTM 1333 | ForeignLanguage I ( FRENCH ) | 3 |
14 | BTM 1343 | Business Environment of Tourism | 3 |
15 | MPU 3232 | Leadership Skills and Human Relations | 2 |
16 | BTM 2413 | Basic Tourism Business Statistics | 3 |
17 | BTM 2423 | Tourism Economics | 3 |
18 | BTM 2433 | Travel Documentation | 3 |
19 | BTM 2443 | Foreign Language –II(FRENCH) | 3 |
20 | MPU 3342 | Malaysian Government and Public Policy | 2 |
21 | BTM 2513 | Accounting for Hospitality & Tourism | 3 |
22 | BTM 2523 | Airfare and Ticketing | 3 |
23 | BTM 2533 | Tourism Marketing | 3 |
24 | BTM 2543 | Tour Guiding and Escorting Skills | 3 |
25 | MPU 3452 | Community Service | 2 |
26 | BTM 2613 | Travel Agency and Tour Operations | 3 |
27 | BTM 2623 | Tour Package Management | 3 |
28 | BTM 2633 | Tourism Philosophies, Principles and Practices | 3 |
29 | BTM 2643 | Hotel and Resort Management | 3 |
30 | BTM 2653 | Event Management | 3 |
31 | BTM 3713 | Strategic Management for travel & tourism | 3 |
32 | BTM 3723 | Responsible tourism & ethics | 3 |
33 | BTM 3733 | Research Methodology | 3 |
34 | BTM 3743 | International Tourism Governing & Apex Bodies | 3 |
35 | BTM 3753 | Alternative Tourism | 3 |
36 | BTM 3813 | Sustainable tourism development | 3 |
37 | BTM 3823 | Tourism Product & Business | 3 |
38 | BTM 3833 | Culture and Heritage Tourism Development | 3 |
39 | BTM 3843 | Entrepreneurship | 3 |
40 | BTM 3918 | Industrial Training | 8 |
The program, Diploma in Hotel Management prepares the students for a rewarding career in the hotel industry. It comprises sound theory and craft based learning (practical classes) with professional internships within the industry. It aims at providing students with the appropriate operational skills for rooms division, reception services, food and beverage service management as well as food production and also focuses on the development of a professional attitude for a career in the hotel industry. After completion of the Hotel Management Diploma, students can either continue their studies to complete the bachelor degree or they can start their professional career at this stage.
Minimum Duration : 30 Months.
Maximum Duration : 30 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | HOSP111 | Introduction to Hospitality Industry | 3 |
2 | HOSP 253 | Housekeeping Management | 4 |
3 | ENGL 100 | Hospitality English I | 3 |
4 | COMP 101 | Fundamentals Of Computers | 3 |
5 | MPU2113/2153 | Malaysian Studies 2 Local)/Malay Languange Communication 2 (International) | 3 |
8 | CULN 242 | Food & Beverage Hygiene | 3 |
9 | HOSP 243 | Food & Beverages Service Skills | 4 |
10 | HOSP 152 | Front Office Management | 4 |
11 | HOSP 282 | Event Management | 3 |
12 | MPU2222 | Creative Problem Solving | 2 |
13 | HOSP 264 | Human Resource Management in Hotel & Catering | 3 |
14 | HOSP 226 | Restaurant Operations | 4 |
15 | HOSP 162 | Principles of Hotel & Catering Law | 3 |
16 | MPU2332 | Constitution and Society | 2 |
17 | HOSP 232 | Beverage Studies | 3 |
18 | HOSP 260 | Marketing Hotel & Catering Service | 3 |
19 | CULN 244 | Kitchen Management | 4 |
20 | ENGL 101 | Hospitality English 2 | 3 |
21 | COMM 119 | Public Relation | 3 |
22 | MPU2442 | COMMUNITY SERVICE | 2 |
23 | HOSP 273 | Industrial Training | 4 |
24 | MNGT 115 | Business Management | 3 |
25 | CULN 292 | Science & Health of Culinary study | 3 |
26 | FRN 101 | Hotel French 1 | 3 |
27 | MPU2442 | Co-curriculum | 2 |
28 | ACCM 131 | Accounting for Hospitality | 3 |
29 | ENT 1007 | Entrepreneurship | 3 |
30 | HOSP 293 | Hotel Maintenance | 3 |
31 | FRN 102 | Hotel French 2 | 3 |
32 | CULN 241 | Food Production ( Practical) | 4 |
The Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Hospitality Management program offers knowledge and competencies, to students, who have chosen a career in this service industry. Students may select either hotel or tourism specialization. The experiential learning, project-based approach and practical training will provide students with the necessary competencies to function effectively as leaders in the industry.
Minimum Duration : 36 Months.
Maximum Duration : 36 Months.
Sl.No. | Subject Code | Courses / Modules | Status | Credits |
1 | BHM6163 | Fundamentals of Management | Core | 3 |
2 | BHM6173 | Fundamentals of Marketing | Core | 3 |
3 | MPU 3113/ MPU3163 | Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia (TITAS) / Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 3 | Compulsory | 3 |
4 | BHM6154 | Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Management | Core | 3 |
5 | BHM6183 | Hospitality Accounting | Core | 3 |
6 | ENG6003 | Writing for Specific Purposes | Core | 2 |
7 | FRN1003 | Third Language 1 | Core | 2 |
8 | BHM6413 | Hotel and Resort Management | Core | 3 |
9 | BHM6243 | Food and Beverage Management | Core | 4 |
10 |
MPU 3123
/ MPU 3173 |
Hubungan Etnik/ Malaysian
Studies 3 |
Compulsory | 3 |
11 | BHM6314 | Kitchen Operation | Core | 4 |
12 | ENG6004 | Speech and Communication | Core | 2 |
13 | BHM6433 | Event Management | Core | 4 |
14 | BHM6193 | Hospitality Human Resources Management | Core | 3 |
15 | FRN2003 | Third Language 2 | Core | 2 |
16 | BHM6120 | Service Operation Management | Core | 3 |
17 | BHM6111 | Hospitality Service Marketing | Core | 3 |
18 | BHM6119 | Revenue Management | Core | 3 |
19 | ELECTIVE 1 | Elective | 3 | |
20 | ELECTIVE 2 | Elective | 3 | |
21 | MPU 3342 | Kerajaan dan Dasar Awam Malaysia | Compulsory | 2 |
22 | BHM6110 | Hospitality Information System | Core | 3 |
23 | BHM6254 | Restaurant Business Operation | Core | 4 |
24 | BHM6315 | Purchasing and Cost Control | Core | 3 |
25 | ELECTIVE 3 | Elective | 3 | |
26 | MPU 3232 | Leadership Skills and Human Relation | Compulsory | 2 |
27 | BHM6112 | Global Strategic Marketing | Core | 3 |
28 | BHM6113 | Hotel Financial Accounting | Core | 3 |
29 | BHM 6114 | Hotel Operation | Core | 3 |
30 | MPU 3452 | Khidmat Masyarakat | Compulsory | 2 |
31 | BHM6116 | Organizational Behavior | Core | 3 |
32 | BHM6273 | Restaurant Operation Analysis | Core | 3 |
33 | ELECTIVE 4 | Elective | 3 | |
34 | BHM6118 | Research Methodology | Core | 3 |
35 | BHM6123 | Entrepreneurship | Core | 3 |
36 | BHM6122 | Hospitality Training and Development | Core | 3 |
37 | BHM6117 | Public Relation | Core | 3 |
38 | BHM6263 | Restaurant Layout and Design | Core | 3 |
39 | ELECTIVE 5 | Elective | 3 | |
40 | BHM6916 | Industrial Training | Training | 10 |
Bachelor of Business in Banking and Finance (Hons) program is able to produce highly qualified and professional workforce for the next wave of global economic activities that will revolve around the industrialization of the Banking and Finance. The program includes cooperative programs with industry and other academic institutions to share their knowledge of Banking and Finance including new developments in technologies, current implementation status and prospects of future expansion of the Banking and Finance industrialization. The curriculum for the Bachelor of Banking and Finance is structured in such a manner so that it compliments other academic pursuits at the Lincoln University College.
Minimum Duration : 36 Months.
Maximum Duration : 36 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | BBF 1113 | Business Management | 3 |
2 | BBF 1123 | Business Mathematics | 3 |
3 | BBF 1133 | Information Technology And Systems | 3 |
4 | BBF 1143 | Personal Development And Communication Skills | 3 |
5 | MPU 3113 | Islamic Civilization and Asian Civilization (TITAS) (Local students) | 3 |
6 | MPU 3163 | Malay Communication (International students) | 3 |
7 | MPU 3123 | Ethnic Relations (Local students) | 3 |
8 | MPU 3173 | Malaysian Studies (International students) | 3 |
9 | BBF 1243 | Quantitative And Statistical Method | 3 |
10 | BBF 1214 | Business Accounting | 4 |
11 | BBF 1223 | Financial Management 1 | 3 |
12 | BBF 1233 | Principles Of Microeconomics | 3 |
13 | BBF 1253 | Management and Accounting | 3 |
14 | MPU 3232 | Leadership Skills and Human Relations | 2 |
15 | BBF 1323 | Financial Accounting | 3 |
16 | BBF 1313 | Company Law | 3 |
17 | BBF 2414 | Bankruptcy Law | 4 |
18 | BBF 2423 | Principles Of Macroeconomics | 3 |
19 | BBF 2434 | Banking And Financial Law | 4 |
20 | BBF 2443 | Financial Management 2 | 3 |
21 | MPU 3342 | Malaysian Government and Public Policy | 2 |
22 | BBF 2513 | Investment Decision | 3 |
23 | BBF 2523 | Understanding Markets and Consumers | 3 |
24 | BBF 2544 | Merchant Banking Operation | 4 |
25 | MPU 3452 | Community Service | 2 |
26 | BBF 2534 | Industrial Security Law | 4 |
27 | BBF 2614 | Corporate Finance | 4 |
28 | BBF 2624 | Financial Services Marketing | 4 |
29 | BBF 2634 | Enterprise Risk Management | 4 |
30 | BBF 2644 | Financial Market And Institutions | 4 |
31 | BBF 3714 | Business Law | 4 |
32 | BBF 3724 | International Finance Markets And Management | 4 |
33 | BBF 3734 | Investment Analysis | 4 |
34 | BBF 3743 | Strategic And Change Management | 3 |
35 | BBF 3753 | Business Ethics | 3 |
36 | BBF 3813 | Entrepreneurship Development | 3 |
37 | BBF 3823 | Environmental Management And Technology | 3 |
38 | BBF 3834 | Financial Modelling | 4 |
39 | BBF 3844 | International Financing And Trade | 4 |
40 | BBF 3853 | Research Methodology | 3 |
41 | BBF 3916 | Business Research Project | 6 |
The Islamic Studies is a part of a moderate arts programme offered at undergraduate level at this University. Islamic Studies attempts to revise the whole range of Islamic civilization and culture. Its main interests include, beside the religion of Islam, topics such as the socio-economic structure, military, administration, development of various sciences and thought, cultural life, cosmology, mysticism, literature and fine arts, and many other aspects of Islamic civilization. It provides students a prospect to revise the expansion of Islamic history, civilization and culture from an interdisciplinary perspective. Students will gain insight about the understanding of key areas associated with Islamic Studies such as the foundation texts, early and modern history, philosophical and political thought, Muslim societies in majority and minority contexts, unity and diversity, as well as ethnicity and identity. The University offers a extensive range of disciplines with flexible study patterns that meet the academic needs and interests of the students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Minimum Duration : 36 Months.
Maximum Duration : 66 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | BIS 1113 | Islamic History: Biography (Sirah) of the Prophet Muhammad | 3 |
2 | BIS 1123 | Tawheed | 3 |
3 | BIS 1133 | Fiqh in Historical Perspective | 3 |
4 | BIS 1143 | Uloom al-Quraan | 3 |
5 | MPU 3113 | Islamic Civilization and Asian Civilization (TITAS) (Local students) | 3 |
6 | MPU 3163 | Malay Communication 3 (International students) | 3 |
7 | MPU 3123 | Ethnic Relations (Local students) | 3 |
8 | MPU 3173 | Malaysian Studies (International students) | 3 |
9 | BIS 1213 | Islamic Medieval History | 3 |
10 | BIS 1223 | Aqidah, Worldview and Civilizational Issues | 3 |
11 | MPU 3232 | Leadership Skills and Human Relations | 2 |
12 | BIS 1243 | English | 3 |
13 | BIS 1253 | Computer Studies | 3 |
14 | BIS 1313 | Fiqh ul Ibadaat | 3 |
15 | BIS 1323 | Hadeeth Terminology | 3 |
16 | BIS 1333 | The Study of Religions | 3 |
17 | BIS 2413 | Arabic and Qur'an Reading | 3 |
18 | BIS 2423 | Ethical Principles in Monetary Transactions | 3 |
19 | BIS 2433 | Introduction to Islamic Principles of Economics | 3 |
20 | BIS 2443 | Principles of Islamic Transactions | 3 |
21 | BIS 2453 | Islamic Worldview and Faith Essential | 3 |
22 | MPU 3342 | Malaysian Government and Public Policy | 2 |
23 | BIS 2513 | Arabic and Tajweed | 3 |
24 | BIS 2523 | Tafseer Methodology (Surat Yasin) | 3 |
25 | BIS 2533 | Fiqh al Munakahat (Law of Marriage) | 3 |
26 | BIS 2543 | Mantiq (Logic) and Critical Reasoning | 3 |
27 | MPU 3452 | Community Service | 2 |
28 | BIS 2613 | Arabic Grammar | 3 |
29 | BIS 2623 | Qawaid Fiqhiyah and Maqasid | 3 |
30 | BIS 2633 | Fiqh al Mawarith (Inheritance) | 3 |
31 | BIS 3713 | Islamic Research Methodology | 3 |
32 | BIS 3733 | Islam In The Modern World | 3 |
33 | BIS 3743 | Islamic Management | 3 |
34 | BIS 3753 | Modern Standard Arabic | 3 |
35 | BIS 3763 | Introduction to Islamic Theology | 3 |
36 | BIS 3723 | Islamic Counselling | 3 |
37 | BIS 3813 | Islamic Psychology | 3 |
38 | BIS 3823 | Comparative Religion | 3 |
39 | BIS 3833 | The Clash of Civilization | 3 |
40 | BIS 3843 | Contemporary Da’wah Movements | 3 |
41 | BISE 3853 | Islam in the Modern World | 3 |
42 | BISE 3863 | Human Rights in Islam | 3 |
43 | BISE 3873 | Islam : Women Rights, Culture and Civilization Perspectives | 3 |
44 | BIS 3919 | Preparation of Thesis as Monograph | 3 |
The curriculum for the Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management is structured in such a manner so that it compliments other academic pursuits at the Lincoln University College. A greater portion of the curriculum is devoted to teaching the relationship between the human being and that of the environment in a manner that the students from the management faculty can understand and devise solutions and programs for mitigation that would ultimately have these two disciplines working side by side. The curriculum for the Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management is also structured such that the students from Faculty of Business and Accounting from Lincoln University College and from environment, health, social sciences, and law students from outside of the Lincoln University College could enroll in the program to enrich their capacity in the field of human resource in order to broaden their sphere of opportunities in the marketplace. The emphasis of the programme on improving the quality of life cuts across all the academic disciplines at Lincoln University College.
Minimum Duration : 36 Months.
Maximum Duration : 36 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | BBA 1113 | Business English I | 3 |
2 | BBA 1153 | Fundamental of Computer Principles & Programming | 3 |
3 | BBA 1123 | Business Communication | 3 |
4 | BBA 1133 | Principles of Management | 3 |
5 | BBA 1143 | Introduction to Accounting | 3 |
6 | MPU 3113/ MPU 3163 | Islamic Civilization and Asian Civilization (TITAS)/ Malay Communication | 3 |
7 | BBA 1223 | Principles of Marketing | 3 |
8 | BBA1213 | Organizational Behaviour | 3 |
9 | BBA1263 | Sociology | 3 |
10 | BBA 1233 | Internet Fundamental & Applications | 3 |
11 | BBA1253 | Business English II | 3 |
12 | MPU 3173/ MPU 3123 | Malaysian Studies / Ethnic Relations | 3 |
13 | BBA 1313 | Business Organization | 3 |
14 | BHRM 3713 | Human Resource Planning and Staffing | 3 |
15 | MPU 3232 | Leadership Skills and Human Relations | 2 |
16 | BBA 2413 | Microeconomics | 3 |
17 | BBA 2423 | Project Management | 3 |
18 | BBA 2433 | Human Resources Management | 3 |
19 | BHRM 2443 | Performance Appraisal | 3 |
20 | BBA 2453 | Company Law | 3 |
21 | BBA 2463 | E-Commerce | 3 |
22 | BBA 2513 | Business Ethics | 3 |
23 | BBA 2523 | Quantitative Methods | 3 |
24 | BBA2433 | Introduction to Financial Accounting | 3 |
25 | BHRM 2533 | International Business Management | 3 |
26 | BBA 2553 | Macroeconomics | 3 |
27 | MPU 3342 | Government and Public Policy Malaysia | 2 |
28 | MPU 3452 | Community Service | 2 |
29 | BHRM 2623 | Industrial Relations and Employment Law | 3 |
30 | BBA 1323 | Business Law | 3 |
31 | BHRM3713 | International Human Resource Management | 3 |
32 | BBA 3853 | Compensation Management | 3 |
33 | BHRM 3733 | Occupational Safety and Health Management | 3 |
34 | BBA 3763 | Psychology | 3 |
35 | BHRM 3753 | Human Resource Development | 3 |
36 | BBA 3813 | Strategic Management | 3 |
37 | BHRM 3823 | Entrepreneurship | 3 |
38 | BBA 3833 | TQM and Six Sigma (TSS) | 3 |
39 | BBA 3843 | Business Research Methods | 3 |
40 | BHRM 3853 | Human Resource Information System | 3 |
41 | BBA 3916 | Project Paper | 9 |
Bachelor of Economics and Finance (Hons) programme is designed to equip student with a thorough understanding of financial accounting and economics. Finance is taught as an application of Economics. This course is organized in terms of modules that emphasize both theory and relevant applications. The program offers a systematic exposure to tools with which the students can analyse financial markets, cost accounting and corporate financial strategic management. The curriculum for the Bachelor of Economics and Finance has a mechanism built into it that requires the students to continue learning, gathering new information, and make use of the information to improve upon the technologies. It also helps students to broaden the sphere of technology applications, developing novel means of improving the financial condition, contributing to sustainable economy, to make new inventions for the betterment of the society and to utilize the learning to bring prosperity to the masses. On completion of the program, graduates will have an understanding of fundamental issues, debates and problems related to the operations of financial systems at both the micro and macro levels, in the context of national and global economies. They will be ready for a career in various accounting, finance and banking professions.College.
Minimum Duration : 36 Months.
Maximum Duration : 54 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | BBA 1113 | Business English I | 3 |
2 | BEF 111 | Personal Financial Planning | 3 |
3 | MPU3113/ MPU 3163 | Islamic Civilization and Asian Civilization (TITAS)/ Malay Communication | 3 |
4 | MPU3123/ MPU 3173 | Ethnic Relations/ Malaysian Studies | 3 |
5 | BBA 1153 | Fundamental of Computer Principles & Programming | 3 |
6 | BEF 115 | Business Mathematics | 3 |
7 | BEF 121 | Introduction to Financial Accounting | 3 |
8 | BEF 122 | Public Speaking | 3 |
9 | BBA 1233 | Internet Fundamental & Applications | 3 |
10 | MPU 3232 | Leadership Skills and Human Relation | 2 |
11 | BBA 1253 | Business English II | 3 |
12 | BBA 1263 | Sociology | 3 |
13 | BEF 131 | Basic Marketing | 3 |
14 | BEF 132 | Industrial Product Design and Innovation | 3 |
15 | BEF 133 | Microeconomics | 3 |
16 | BEF 134 | Organizational Management | 3 |
17 | BEF 241 | Business Law | 3 |
18 | BEF 242 | Organizational Behaviour | 3 |
19 | BEF 243 | Operation Management | 3 |
20 | BEF 244 | Basic Entrepreneurship | 3 |
21 | BEF 245 | Financial Management | 3 |
22 | MPU 3342 | Government and Public Policy Malaysia | 2 |
23 | MPU 3452 | Community Service | 2 |
24 | BEF 252 | Business Ethics | 3 |
25 | BEF 251 | Cost Accounting | 3 |
26 | BEF 261 | Professional Communication | 3 |
27 | BEF 262 | Basic Econometric | 3 |
28 | BEF 263 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | 3 |
29 | BEF 264 | Development Economics | 3 |
30 | BEF 371 | Corporate Finance | 3 |
31 | BEF 372 | International Business | 3 |
32 | BEF 373 | Econometrics | 3 |
33 | BEF 374 | Strategic Management | 3 |
34 | BEF 375 | International Economics | 3 |
35 | BEF 381 | Money and Banking | 3 |
36 | BEF 382 | Labour Economics | 3 |
37 | BEF 383 | International Finance | 3 |
38 | BEF 384 | Financial Markets and Institutions | 3 |
39 | BEF 385 | Security Investment and Portfolio Management | 3 |
40 | BEF 391 | Research Methods | 3 |
41 | BEF 392 | Project Work | 6 |
The energy sector at present is undergoing major development and is resulting in vital growth. This is coupled with rising international competition for resources. Thus all the organizations are forced to concentrate on developing strong management competencies. This course is designed for graduate level students with a wide range of backgrounds who aspire to develop careers in the Oil & Gas and related sectors. The curriculum for the Bachelor in Oil and Gas Management is structured such that it compliments other academic pursuits at the Lincoln University College. A greater portion of the curriculum is devoted to teaching the relationship between the human being and that of the environment in a manner that the students from the other management department can understand and devise solutions and programs for mitigation that would ultimately have these all these disciplines working side by side. The curriculum for the Bachelor in Oil and Gas Management is also structured in such a manner so that students from other Department of Business Administration from Lincoln University College and from environment, commerce and law students from outside of the Lincoln University College could enroll in the program to enrich their capacity in order to broaden their sphere of opportunities in the marketplace.
Minimum Duration : 36 Months.
Maximum Duration : 36 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | BBA 1113 | Business English 1 | 3 |
2 | BBA 1123 | Business Communication | 3 |
3 | BOGM 1133 | Oil, Gas and Energy Management | 3 |
4 | BBA 1143 | Introduction To Accounting | 3 |
5 | BBA 1153 | Fundamental Computer Principles & Programming | 3 |
6 | MPU 3113 | Islamic Civilization and Asian Civilization (TITAS) (Local students) | 3 |
7 | MPU 3163 | Malay Communication 3 (International students) | 3 |
8 | MPU 3123 | Ethnic Relations (Local students) | 3 |
9 | MPU 3173 | Malaysian Studies (International students) | 3 |
10 | BOGM 1223 | International Marketing Strategy | 3 |
11 | BBA 1233 | Internet Fundamentals & Applications | 3 |
12 | BBA 1243 | Entrepreneurship | 3 |
13 | BBA 1253 | Business English II | 3 |
14 | BBA 1313 | Business Organization | 3 |
15 | BOGM 1323 | Technical Communication for The Oil & Gas Industry | 3 |
16 | MPU 3232 | Leadership Skills and Human Relations | 2 |
17 | BBA 2413 | Microeconomics | 3 |
18 | BBA 2423 | Project Management | 3 |
19 | BBA 2433 | Introduction to Financial Accounting | 3 |
20 | BBA 2443 | Consumer Behavior | 3 |
21 | BOGM 2453 | Commercial Law | 3 |
22 | BOGM 2463 | Introduction to Physical Geology | 3 |
23 | BBA 2513 | Business Ethics | 3 |
24 | MPU 3342 | Malaysian Government and Public Policy | 2 |
25 | BOGM 2533 | Renewable Energy Resources | 3 |
26 | BOGM 2543 | Petroleum Geology | 3 |
27 | BBA 2553 | Macroeconomics | 3 |
28 | MPU 3452 | Community Service | 2 |
29 | BOGM 2623 | Economics for the Oil and Gas Industry | 3 |
30 | BOGM 2633 | Production and Operations Management | 3 |
31 | BBA 3713 | Retail Management (RM) | 3 |
32 | BOGM 3723 | Project Mgt for the Energy Sector | 3 |
33 | BOGM 3733 | Global Climate Change and Adaptation | 3 |
34 | BBA 3743 | Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM) | 3 |
35 | BBA 3753 | Economic Regions For Oil and Gas | 3 |
36 | BBA 3763 | Psychology | 3 |
37 | BBA 2543 | International Business Management | 3 |
38 | BBA 3813 | Strategic Management | 3 |
39 | BOGM 3833 | Oil and Gas Technologies | 3 |
40 | BBA 3843 | Business Research Methods | 3 |
41 | BOMG 3853 | Health, Safety & Environmental Management | 3 |
42 | BOGM 3918 | Research Project | 9 |
Bachelor of Business Entrepreneurship provides students with the fundamental knowledge about corporate management and skills that help them to recognize the varied functioning of a company. Entrepreneurs are business owners or managers of a corporation, enterprise or small company and/or have opportunities as management trainees. There are companies that employ fresh Bachelor of Business Entrepreneurship graduates, which can be a great learning opportunity for the later. Students from this background can enroll in Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) and achieve specialization in a specific management domain so as to attain jobs in the executive position.
Minimum Duration : 36 Months.
Maximum Duration : 72 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | BBE 1123 | Principles of Management | 3 |
2 | BBE 1133 | Entrepreneurial Marketing | 3 |
3 | BBE 1153 | Fundamentals of Computers | 3 |
4 | BBE 1113 | English 1 | 3 |
5 | BBE 1143 | Principles of Accounting | 3 |
6 | MPU3113 / MPU 3163 | Islamic Civilization and Asian Civilization(TITAS) / Malay Communication | 3 |
7 | BBE 1223 | Organizational Behavior | 3 |
8 | BBE 1253 | Managerial Economics | 3 |
9 | BBE 1213 | English 2 | 3 |
10 | BBE 1233 | English for Professional Purposes | 3 |
11 | BBE 1243 | IT Infrastructure & Applications for Entrepreneurs | 3 |
12 | BBE 1263 | Human Resources Management | 3 |
13 | BBE 1323 | Banking and Finance | 3 |
14 | MPU3123 / MPU 3173 | Ethnic Relations / Malaysian Studies | 3 |
15 | BBE 1313 | Operation Management | 3 |
16 | BBE 2413 | Project Management | 3 |
17 | BBE 2423 | Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship | 3 |
18 | BBE 2443 | Management Accounting | 3 |
19 | BBE 2453 | Business Audit & Compliance | 3 |
20 | BBE 2433 | Company Law | 3 |
21 | MPU 3232 | Leadership Skills and Human Relations | 2 |
22 | BBE 2513 | Quantitative Methods | 3 |
23 | MPU 3342 | Government and Public Policy Malaysia | 2 |
24 | BBE 2523 | Business Ethics | 3 |
25 | BBE 2533 | Income Tax | 3 |
26 | BBE 2543 | Venture Capital Entrepreneurs | 3 |
27 | BBE 2553 | Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship | 3 |
28 | BBE 2623 | Business Strategies & Planning for Entrepreneurs | 3 |
29 | MPU 3452 | Community Service | 2 |
30 | BBE 2613 | Family & Small Business Entrepreneurs | 3 |
31 | BBE 3713 | E- Commerce | 3 |
32 | BBE 3723 | Regulatory Framework for Business | 3 |
33 | BBE 3733 | Financing Options for Entrepreneurs | 3 |
34 | BBE 3753 | Mergers and Acquisitions for Entrepreneurs | 3 |
35 | BBE 3743 | Financial management | 3 |
36 | BBE 3813 | Business Research Methodology | 3 |
37 | BBE 3833 | Innovation Strategy of Entrepreneurs | 3 |
38 | BBE 3853 | Financial Modelling | 3 |
39 | BBE 3823 | Business Planning and Forecasting | 3 |
40 | BBE 3843 | International Business for Entrepreneurs | 3 |
41 | BBE 3863 | Real Estate Entrepreneurship | 3 |
42 | BBE 3873 | Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship | 3 |
43 | BBE 3916 | Project Work | 6 |
The Bachelor of Accounting programme under the faculty of Business and Accountancy is designed to give students’ academic and technical skill in broad areas. The programme encompasses a wide range of educational field which helps to learn the fundamentals of accounting and managing of funds. This programme also help to gain the skills and knowledge necessary for finance managing. Bachelor of accounting degree programme offers to develop accounting skill in the private or public sector, formulating budgets, tracking costs and analyzing programmes. The programme is designed as a trans formative programme that helps to be skilled in Accounting Information Systems,Auditing, Computer Information Systems, Cost Accounting, Economics, Finance Government Accounting, Management, marketing and other related areas.
Minimum Duration : 38 Months.
Maximum Duration : 72 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | BTM 1113 | Business English I | 3 |
2 | BAC 1023 | Financial Accounting | 3 |
3 | BAC 1033 | Principles of Management | 3 |
4 | BTC 243 | Fundamental of Computer Principles and Programming | 3 |
5 | MPU 3113 / MPU 3163 | Islamic Civilization and Asian Civilization (TITAS) / Malay Communication 3 | 3 |
6 | ADPC 1223 | Business English II | 3 |
7 | BAC 1073 | Intermediate Financial Accounting I | 3 |
8 | BAC 1083 | Microeconomics | 3 |
9 | BAC 1093 | Business Mathematics | 3 |
10 | MPU 3123 / MPU 3173 | Ethnic Relations / Malaysian Studies | 3 |
11 | BAC 1113 | Audit and Assurance | 3 |
12 | BAC 1123 | Intermediate Financial Accounting II | 3 |
13 | BBA 1333 | Principles of Marketing | 3 |
14 | MPU 3232 | Leadership Skills and Human Relations | 2 |
15 | BAC 1153 | Financial Management Principles | 3 |
16 | BAC 2203 | Corporate and Business Law | 3 |
17 | BAC 2163 | Cost Accounting | 3 |
18 | BAC 2173 | Advanced Financial Reporting I | 3 |
19 | BBA 2523 | Quantitative Methods | 3 |
20 | BAC 2193 | Taxation | 3 |
21 | BAC 2213 | Governance, Risk and Ethics | 3 |
22 | BAC 2223 | Advanced Financial Reporting II | 3 |
23 | BAC 2233 | Management Accounting | 3 |
24 | MPU 3342 | Government and Public Policy Malaysia | 2 |
25 | BAC 2253 | Company Law | 3 |
26 | BAC 2263 | Business Research Methods | 3 |
27 | BAC 2273 | Performance Management | 3 |
28 | BAC 2283 | Accounting Information Systems I | 3 |
29 | BAC 2293 | Corporate Finance | 3 |
30 | MPU 3452 | Community service | 2 |
31 | BBA 2333 | Financial Markets | 3 |
32 | BAC 3313 | Macroeconomics | 3 |
33 | BAC 3323 | Accounting Information Systems II | 3 |
34 | BAC 3333 | Business Analysis | 3 |
35 | BAC 3343 | Advanced Financial Management | 3 |
36 | BAC 3353 | Entrepreneurship | 3 |
37 | BAC 3363 | E-Commerce | 3 |
38 | BAC 3373 | Money and Banking | 3 |
39 | BAC 3393 | Advanced Taxation | 3 |
40 | BAC 3403 | Advanced Audit and Assurance | 3 |
41 | BAC 3419 | Industrial Training | 12 |
Our program, Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting has been designed to meet the growing needs of the industry as far as accounting professionals are concerned. This program offers the students with the opportunity to acquire theoretical knowledge as well as skills related to practical accounting, which would enable them to attain expertise in their professional sphere of work. Our subjects of study include, Introduction to Accounting, Principles of Marketing, Business Organization, Company Law, to name a few.
Minimum Duration : 36 Months.
Maximum Duration : 48 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | ENG613 | English I | 3 |
2 | EPP633 | English for Professional Purposes | 3 |
3 | BBA 1133 | Principles of Management | 3 |
4 | BBA 1143 | Introduction to Accounting | 3 |
5 | BBA 1153 | Fundamental of Computer Application | 3 |
6 | BBA 1213 | Human Resources management | 3 |
7 | BBA 1223 | Principles of Marketing | 3 |
8 | BBA 1233 | Internet Fundamental & Applications | 3 |
9 | BBA 1243 | Entrepreneurship | 3 |
10 | ENG623 | English 2 | 3 |
11 | BBA 2643 | Introduction to Operation Management | 3 |
12 | BBA 1313 | Business Organization | 3 |
13 | BAC 1343 | Fundamentals of Finance | 3 |
15 | MPU3173 | MALAYSIAN STUDIES 3 | 3 |
16 | BBA 1323 | Business Law | 3 |
17 | BBA 2413 | Microeconomics | 3 |
18 | BBA 2423 | Project Management | 3 |
19 | BBA 2433 | Financial Accounting | 3 |
20 | BBA 2453 | Company Law | 3 |
21 | BBA 2463 | E-Commerce | 3 |
22 | BBA 2513 | Business Ethics | 3 |
23 | BBA 2523 | Quantitative Methods | 3 |
24 | BAC 2533 | Money & Banking | 3 |
25 | BBA 2543 | International Business Management | 3 |
26 | BBA 2553 | Macroeconomics | 3 |
29 | BAC2633 | Introduction to Insurance | 3 |
30 | BAC2643 | Auditing | 3 |
33 | BBA 3743 | Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM) | 3 |
34 | BAC3723 | Financial Management Principles | 3 |
35 | BAC3733 | Accounting Information Systems | 3 |
36 | BBA 3753 | Economic Corridor | 3 |
37 | BAC3823 | Management Accounting for Planning & Control | 3 |
38 | BAC3713 | Cost Accounting | 3 |
39 | BBA 3813 | Strategic Management | 3 |
40 | BBA 3833 | Total Quality Management | 3 |
41 | BBA 3843 | Business Research Methods | 3 |
42 | BAC3853 | Taxation | 3 |
43 | BBA 3913 | Bachelor’s Thesis (Major Project) | 9 |
44 | MPU3452 | COMMUNITY SERVICE | 2 |
The BBA in Airline and Airport Management program of Lincoln University College, Malaysia (LUC) is designed to train our registered students to assume managerial and administrative roles in the Airline and Airport sector. With the latest expansion of the airlines industry, the number of employees needed for its smooth operation has also increased, for focusing such areas as airport safety and security, technicalities, finances, etc. Skilled professionals are therefore required to serve in the industry. It encompasses of all the aviation-related companies, service providers, airlines, aircraft, public and private crafts flying commercially and non-commercially. The curriculum is devised not only to fulfil the requirements of today’s rapid changing Aviation Industry but also to provide our students a strong background in the Airline and Airport Management field as well as business and leadership practices. The career opportunities in the aviation industry are enormous.
Minimum Duration : 36 Months.
Maximum Duration : 36 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | ENG 613 | English I | 3 |
2 | BBAAM 6123 | Introduction to Aviation Management | 3 |
3 | BBAAM 6133 | Introduction to Accounting | 3 |
4 | EPP 633 | English for Professional Purposes | 3 |
5 | MPU 3113 /MPU 3163 | Islamic and Asian Civilization (TITAS) / Malay Communication | 3 |
6 | BBAAM 6213 | Introduction to Financial Management | 3 |
7 | ENG 623 | English 2 | 3 |
8 | BBAAM 6233 | Human Resources Management | 3 |
9 | MPU 3123/ MPU 3173 | Ethics Relations/ Malaysian Studies 3 | 3 |
10 | BBAAM 6253 | Company Law | 3 |
11 | BBAAM 6313 | Organizational Behavior | 3 |
12 | BBAAM 6323 | Introduction to Airline Operations | 3 |
13 | BBAAM 6333 | Microeconomics | 3 |
14 | BBAAM 6343 | Aviation Law and Aircraft Rules and Regulations | 3 |
15 | BBAAM 6253 | Research Methodology | 3 |
16 | BBAAM 6413 | International Business Management | 3 |
17 | BBAAM 6423 | Quantitative Methods | 3 |
18 | MPU 3342 | Malaysian Government and Public Policy | 2 |
19 | BBAAM 6443 | Project Management | 3 |
20 | BBAAM 6453 | Air Traffic Control | 3 |
21 | MPU 3232 | Leadership Skills and Human Relation | 2 |
22 | BBAAM 6523 | Innovation Management for Global Competitiveness | 3 |
23 | BBAAM 6533 | Management Information System | 3 |
24 | BBAAM 6543 | E-Commerce | 3 |
25 | BBAAM 6553 | Logistics and Air Cargo Management | 3 |
26 | BBAAM 6563 | Retail Management | 3 |
27 | BBAAM 6613 | Airline Finance and Aviation Insurance | 3 |
28 | MPU 3452 | Community Service | 2 |
29 | BBAAM 6633 | Consumer Behavior | 3 |
30 | BBAAM 6643 | Entrepreneurship | 3 |
31 | BBAAM 6653 | Fundamental of Computer Principles & Programming | 3 |
32 | BBAAM 6713 | Aircraft Design and Performance | 3 |
33 | BBAAM 6723 | Aircraft Design and Performance | 3 |
34 | BBAAM 6733 | Strategic Management | 3 |
35 | BBAAM 6743 | Airline and Travel management | 3 |
36 | BBAAM 6753 | Sociology | 3 |
37 | BBAAM 6813 | Airport management | 3 |
38 | BBAAM 6823 | Airline and Airport Marketing Management | 3 |
39 | BBAAM 6833 | Air Transport Safety and security | 3 |
40 | BBAAM 6843 | Aircraft maintenance & Crew Management | 3 |
41 | BBAAM 6916 | Project Work | 6 |
Our program, Diploma in Accounting is intended for those, who wish to acquire this degree within a short period of time and desire to work in the accounting industry. This program, will also provide the students, practical training in the accounting discipline, leading to careers in the professional field of accounting.
Minimum Duration : 30 Months.
Maximum Duration : 30 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | ENG413 | English I | 3 |
2 | COMP107 | Fundamentals of Computer | 3 |
3 | ACCA103 | Introduction to Accounting | 3 |
4 | BBA 1223 | Principles Of Marketing | 3 |
5 | ACCA105 | Introduction to Audit | 3 |
6 | MPU2113 | MALAYSIAN STUDIES 2 | 3 |
9 | ENG423 | English II | 3 |
10 | MGMT101 | Business Mathematics | 3 |
11 | ACCA108 | Financial Accounting 1 | 3 |
12 | ACCA109 | Fundamentals Of Finance | 3 |
13 | ACCA110 | Business Accounting | 3 |
15 | EPP433 | English for Professional Purposes | 3 |
16 | ACCA112 | Cost Accounting | 3 |
17 | MGMT102 | Business Statistics | 3 |
19 | BMNG214 | Business Ethics | 2 |
20 | BMIS 263 | Management Information System | 3 |
21 | ACCA 209 | Financial Accounting 2 | 3 |
22 | BLAW 245 | Company Law | 3 |
23 | BHRM 226 | Human Resources Management | 3 |
24 | MPU2442 | COMMUNITY SERVICE | 2 |
25 | ACCA210 | Financial Accounting 3 | 3 |
26 | BLAW 228 | Business Law | 3 |
27 | BECO 278 | Macroeconomics | 3 |
28 | ACCA222 | Taxation | 3 |
29 | ACCA 200 | Industrial Training | 4 |
30 | ACCA325 | Computerize Accounting System | 3 |
31 | ACCA310 | Financial Accounting 4 | 3 |
32 | BMNG 350 | Money & Banking | 3 |
33 | BECO 348 | Microeconomics | 3 |
The Bachelor (Hons) in Business Administration program of Lincoln University College, Malaysia (LUC) is designed to help the students to acquire academic and technical skills, so that they will be able to take up managerial roles in the future. LUC strives to provide the graduate students with adequate knowledge of business and in-depth knowledge of their subject areas. This learning will help the students to achieve success in the professional field.
The objectives of the course are aimed at:
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | BBA 6013 | Business English I | 3 |
2 | BBA 6053 | Introduction To Accounting | 3 |
3 | MPU 3113/MPU3163 | Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia (TITAS) / Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 3 | 3 |
4 | BBA 6043 | Principles of Management | 3 |
5 | BBA 6053 | Introduction to Accounting | 3 |
6 | BBA 6063 | Fundamental of Computer Principles & Programming | 3 |
7 | BBA 6073 | Human Resources Management | 3 |
8 | BBA 6083 | Principles of Marketing | 3 |
9 | BBA 6093 | Internet Fundamental & Applications | 3 |
10 | BBA 6103 | Internet Fundamentals & Applications | 3 |
11 | BBA6113 | Business English II | 3 |
12 | BBA 6123 | Sociology | 3 |
13 | BBA 6133 | Business Organization | 3 |
14 | BBA 6143 | Business Law | 2 |
15 | MPU 3123 / MPU 3173 | Hubungan Etnik/ Malaysian Studies 3 | 3 |
16 | BBA 6163 | Microeconomics | 3 |
17 | BBA 6173 | Project Management | 2 |
18 | BBA 6183 | Introduction to Financial Accounting | 3 |
19 | BBA 6193 | Consumer Behavior | 3 |
20 | BBA 6203 | Company Law | 3 |
21 | BBA 6213 | E-Commerce | 3 |
22 | MPU 3342 | Kerajaan dan Dasar Awam Malaysia | 2 |
23 | BBA 6233 | Business Ethics | 3 |
24 | BBA 6243 | Quantitative Methods | 3 |
25 | BBA 6253 | Management Information System | 3 |
26 | BBA 6263 | International Business Management | 3 |
27 | BBA 6273 | Macroeconomics | 3 |
28 | MPU 3232 | Leadership Skills and Human Relation | 2 |
29 | MPU 3452 | Khidmat Masyarakat | 2 |
30 | BBA 6303 | Organizational Behavior | 3 |
31 | BBA 6313 | Production & Operation Management | 3 |
32 | BBA 6323 | Retail Management (RM) | 3 |
33 | BBA 6333 | Event Management | 3 |
34 | BBA 6343 | Marketing Management | 3 |
35 | BBA 6353 | Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM) | 3 |
36 | BBA 6363 | Target Economic Region | 3 |
37 | BBA 6373 | Psychology | 3 |
38 | BBA 6383 | Strategic Management | 3 |
39 | BBA 6393 | Innovation Management for Global Competitiveness | 3 |
40 | BBA 6403 | TQM and Six Sigma (TSS) | 3 |
41 | BBA 6413 | Business Research Methods | 3 |
42 | BBA 6423 | Marketing Research | 3 |
43 | BBA 6433 | Multinational Enterprise | 3 |
44 | BBA 6443 | Bachelor’s Thesis | 9 |
The Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering Technology (Aircraft Maintenance) program of Lincoln University College, Malaysia (LUC) deals with design, manufacturing, service, and testing of aircraft. The students also learn the techniques of operating an aircraft and rocket. The most important aspects of it are designing, maintenance, manufacturing, services, testing of aircraft like capability, components and various other parts. The various skills that can be gained by the course include Good numerical and mathematical skills, problem-solving skills, eye to details, good interpretation of figures, plans and machines.
Duration : 36 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | DAET 1113 | Engineering Mathematics | 3 |
2 | DAET 1123 | Engineering Physics | 3 |
3 | ENG 413 | English | 3 |
4 | MPU 2113/ MPU 3132 | Malaysian Studies 2 / Malay language communication 1 | 3 |
5 | DAET 1133 | Basic Engineering Drawing and Computer Aided Design | 3 |
6 | DAET 1213 | Fundamentals of Electrical | 3 |
7 | DAET 1223 | Electronics and Digital Techniques | 3 |
8 | DAET 1233 | Materials and Hardware | 3 |
9 | DAET 1243 | Aviation Legislation | 3 |
10 | MPU 2222 | Creative Problem Solving | 2 |
11 | DAET 1313 | Aerodynamics and flight controls | 3 |
12 | DAET 1323 | Material Engineering | 3 |
13 | DAET 1333 | Fundamentals of Gas Turbine and components | 3 |
14 | DAET 2113 | Aircraft Structures | 3 |
15 | DAET 2123 | Avionics 1 | 3 |
16 | MPU 2332 | Constitution and Society | 2 |
17 | DAET 2143 | Gas Turbine Systems and Propulsion | 3 |
18 | MPU 2442 | Co-curriculum | 2 |
19 | DAET 2213 | Aviation Safety and Health | 3 |
20 | DAET 2223 | Aircraft Handling Practices | 3 |
21 | DAET 2233 | Aircraft Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems | 3 |
22 | DAET 2243 | Avionics 2 | 3 |
23 | DAET 2253 | Human Factors in Aviation | 3 |
24 | DAET 2313 | Aeroplane air-conditioning & cabin pressurization systems | 3 |
25 | DAET 2323 | Workshop Maintenance Practices | 3 |
26 | DAET 2332 | Project Management | 2 |
27 | DAET 3114 | Final Year Project | 4 |
28 | DAET 3212 | Industrial Training | 12 |
The field of Electrical and Electronics is a field of study within the realm of Science and Technology that deals with the use and design of electrical devices that have become an indispensable part of our life. We depend on a diverse range of appliances and gadgets for our day-to-day activities, such as mobile devices, personal computers, laptops and others as well. Electronic devices make life comfortable and convenient. Electronics also play a crucial role in commercial and industrial fields and thus it is undeniably a challenging and rewarding field to explore.
Minimum Duration : 30 Months.
Maximum Duration : 30 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | EGR 280 | C++ Programming Language | 3 |
2 | DEE 4124 | Electrical Technology 1 | 4 |
3 | DEE 4133 | Engineering Mathematics 1 | 3 |
4 | ELE 182 | Engineering Mechanics | 3 |
5 | ENG413 | English I | 3 |
6 | DEE 4724 | Final year Project | 4 |
9 | LAN 1003 | Malaysian Studies | 3 |
10 | ELE 290 | Project - Electrical and Electronics | 3 |
11 | ENGL 100 | Technical english | 3 |
12 | COMP 282 | Visual Basic 1 for Engineers | 3 |
13 | COMP 283 | Visual Basic 2 for Engineers | 3 |
14 | MPU2113 | MALAYSIAN STUDIES 2 | 3 |
15 | DEE 4224 | Electronics Devices & Operations 1 | 4 |
16 | DEE 4213 | Engineering Graphics and Design | 3 |
17 | DEE 4243 | Engineering Mathematics 2 | 3 |
18 | ENG423 | English II | 3 |
19 | DEE 4233 | Measurement and Instrumentation | 3 |
21 | DEE 4324 | Advanced Engineering Mathematics | 4 |
22 | DEE 4314 | Electronics Devices and Operations 2 | 4 |
24 | DEE 4413 | electronics Communications System | 3 |
25 | DEE 4434 | Power Electronics | 4 |
26 | DEE 4423 | Electric Power System | 3 |
27 | DEE 4443 | Electromagnetism | 3 |
28 | MPU2442 | COMMUNITY SERVICE | 2 |
29 | DEE 4113 | Basic Computer Programming | 3 |
30 | DEE 4523 | Engineering Control System | 3 |
31 | DEE 4544 | Digital Electronics | 4 |
32 | DEE 4534 | Electrical Technology 2 | 4 |
33 | DEE 4514 | Microprocessors | 4 |
34 | DEE 4633 | Engineering Structure & Properties | 3 |
35 | DEE 4623 | Management for Engineering Students | 3 |
37 | DEE 4725 | Final Year Project | 5 |
38 | DEE 4714 | Industrial Training | 4 |
The Diploma in Civil Engineering program will prepare graduates for engineering practice that deals with the design, construction, operation and surveying of the built environment that encompasses infrastructure such as buildings, bridges, roads, canals, dams, water supply and wastewater services facilities. The students will be given a stimulating teaching environment which blends conventional lectures and tutorials with online materials. This teaching environment helps them to formulate the issues,solutions through critical thinking, and assessing the results of their own work. Lincoln makes it compulsory for all students to take part in problem solving and action oriented work. Thus, students become more efficient and possess analytical mind to make it easier for them to meet the challenges of national as well as global competitive environment. The hallmark of Lincoln diploma holders will have access to many industry sectors. Civil engineers are focusing their attention towards new areas of development of Construction, Geo technical Product, Structural Design and transportation system. Diploma holders in Civil Engineering can look for higher education courses like B.E / B.Tech in Civil Engineering.
Minimum Duration : 30 Months.
Maximum Duration : 60 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | DCE 1113 | Engineering Drawing | 3 |
2 | DCE 1123 | Engineering Mathematics I | 3 |
3 | ENG 413 | English I | 3 |
4 | DCE 1143 | Surveying I | 3 |
5 | DCE1153 | Construction Materials | 3 |
6 | DCE 1163 | Soil Mechanics | 3 |
7 | ENG 423 | English II | 3 |
8 | DCE 1223 | Hydraulics | 3 |
9 | DCE 1233 | Engineering Computing | 3 |
10 | MPU 2113/ MPU 2153 | Malaysian Studies / Malay Language Communication 2 | 3 |
11 | DCE 1253 | Environmental and Water Resource Engineering | 3 |
12 | DCE 1263 | Structural Design I | 3 |
13 | DCE 1313 | Building Construction and Services | 3 |
14 | DCE 1323 | Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures | 3 |
15 | DCE 1333 | Engineering Lab I (conducted through Semester 1, Semester 2 and Semester 3) | 3 |
16 | DCE 2413 | Surveying II | 3 |
17 | DCE 2423 | Transportation Engineering | 3 |
18 | MPU 2222 | Creative Problem Solving | 2 |
19 | DCE 2443 | Engineering Mathematics II | 3 |
20 | MPU 2332 | Constitution and Community | 2 |
21 | DCE 2463 | Structural Design II | 3 |
22 | DCE 2473 | Environmental Pollution & Control | 3 |
23 | DCE 2513 | Civil Engineering CAD Lab | 3 |
24 | DCE 2523 | Quantity Surveying and Valuation | 3 |
25 | DCE 2533 | Construction Management | 3 |
26 | MPU 2442 | Co-Curriculum | 2 |
27 | DCE 2553 | Entrepreneurship | 3 |
28 | DCE 2563 | Engineering Lab II (conducted through Semester 1, Semester 2 and Semester 3) | 3 |
29 | DCE 2614 | Final Year Project | 4 |
30 | DCE 3716 | Industrial Training | 6 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Technology (Aeronautics) (Hons) is one of the most challenging fields of engineering with a wide scope for growth. This is a multidisciplinary programme where students are equipped with in depth knowledge of Physics and Mathematics, core skills in mechanical engineering with hands-on aircraft maintenance fundamentals to excel and develop as an aircraft maintenance engineer. The program would produce professionals with capacity to invent, to integrate, and to deploy the latest development in Mechanical and Aeronautics Engineering field. During the course students cover core mechanical disciplines including engineering mechanics, thermodynamics and control system while developing skills in project management and public speaking. Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Technology (Aeronautics) (Honors), Lincoln University College prepare students to be an industry-ready professional engineer capable of applying the principles of technology and science to the design, production and operation of systems, devices and machinery.
Minimum Duration : 48 Months.
Maximum Duration : 72 Months.
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | MPU 3113 | Islamic Civilization and Asian Civilization(TITAS) (Local students) | 3 |
2 | MPU 3163 | Malay Communication (International students) | 3 |
3 | BEE 1133 | Thermodynamics | 3 |
4 | BEL 1003 | English 1 | 3 |
5 | MPU 3123 | Ethnic Relations (Local students) | 3 |
6 | MPU 3173 | Malaysian Studies (International students) | 3 |
7 | BEE 6013 | Engineering Mathematics 1 | 3 |
8 | BME 1123 | Computer Aided Design (CAD) | 3 |
9 | BMA 1213 | Computer Programming | 3 |
10 | BME 1223 | Engineering Mechanics | 3 |
11 | MPU 3232 | Leadership Skills and Human Relations | 2 |
12 | BEE 1233 | Fluid Mechanics | 3 |
13 | BME 1323 | Mechanics of Materials | 3 |
14 | BME 1313 | Engineering Drawing | 3 |
15 | BME 1333 | Engineering Laboratory Year 1 | 3 |
16 | BEE 6013 | Measurement and Instrumentation | 3 |
17 | BME 2233 | Circuit Theory | 3 |
18 | BEE 2133 | Probability and Statistics | 3 |
19 | BME 2143 | Computer Aided Design (CAD) 2 | 3 |
20 | BEL 3003 | Public Speaking | 3 |
21 | MPU 3342 | Malaysian Government and Public Policy | 2 |
22 | BEE 6053 | Engineering Mathematics 2 | 3 |
23 | BEE 2223 | Control System | 3 |
24 | BME 2123 | Electronics | 3 |
25 | BEE 6163 | Digital electronics | 3 |
26 | MPU 3452 | Community Service | 2 |
27 | BEL 2003 | English 2 | 3 |
28 | BME 2253 | Engineering Materials and Manufacturing Processes | 3 |
29 | BME 2323 | Engineering Laboratory Year 2 | 3 |
30 | BME 3113 | Machine Design | 3 |
31 | BME 3123 | Mechanics of Machines 1 | 3 |
32 | BME 4133 | Finite Element Analysis | 3 |
33 | BMA 3113 | Aerodynamics | 3 |
34 | BME 3143 | Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer | 3 |
35 | BMA 3223 | Helicopter dynamics | 3 |
36 | BMA 3233 | Aircraft systems | 3 |
37 | BEE 3323 | Quality management | 3 |
38 | BMA 3213 | Aircraft Structural Mechanics | 3 |
39 |